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In five minutes you can have any of these proven secrets working for you even if you're shy or embarrassed and even if you've tried everything but failed miserably…

So if you're ready to add more fire to the bedroom, then keep reading – it may be the most important letter you've ever read…

– Michael Webb

Dear Friend,

You're here because you want to make your sex life exciting. You want to make it hot. Passionate. Mind-blowing. You probably want to find ways to please your mate.

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You'll learn…


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  • How to invigorate each other to make love
  • Ways to help cure premature ejaculation
  • Dozen of oral sex tips
  • Fun sex games
  • How to make your erections harder
  • The best positions to make love
  • Unique places to make love
  • Secrets to give each other more pleasure
  • How to make sex more intmate and meaningful
  • Ways to incorporate food into lovemaking
  • The complete guide to safe sex
  • And much more…

Friday, November 21, 2008

Improve Your Sex Life

Are Prescription Medications a good Option For Enjoying Sex when you are in your 60’s?

While a person’s mind may still want to have a strong and active sex life the body may not always be able to comply. There are some prescription medications out there that have proven to offer those over 60 help with such issues. For example those with diabetes or arthritis may find that they are in too much pain or don’t have enough energy for sex.

However, with medication to control their diabetes and a good diet their energy levels increase. There are medications for arthritis too that can prevent the joints from swelling up. This means a person can go about activities including sex and not be in constant pain. It may be something that younger generations take for granted, but when you are physically in pain it can be almost impossible to enjoy the pleasures of sex.

One of the most common types of prescription drugs that men use to help them enjoy sex is Viagra. This is a type of pill that a man takes when he is mentally excited to have sex but the penis isn’t getting or maintaining an erection. Many men have found Viagra and similar products have allowed them to have a very enjoyable sex life once again. Their age hasn’t been able to stop them from making this important element part of their normal lifestyle.

The pill known as Cialis has also become very popular. This is because a man can take it and then be able to maintain erections when he is ready over the course of the next 36 hours. This means you don’t have to plan the act of lovemaking such as you do with Viagra and similar types of prescription medications. It allows the process to be more natural and many men really enjoy having that control over their sexual activities.

There are similar types of prescription medication for women as well. One huge problem for them after menopause is a decrease in the hormone estrogen. As a result they may find they have very little interest in sex. Even if they engage in the act, they just aren’t getting the level of pleasure out of it as they once did. Estrogen pills can be prescribed to help a woman gain her libido back.

Prescription medications may be a good option for you if you are older and you really want to improve your sex life. You will need to talk to your doctor about it so a complete assessment can be performed. Identifying the true reasons why you struggle to get an erection or why you aren’t enjoying sexual activity is important so be honest with your answers.

There are certainly plenty of prescription medications offered today to help those over 60 be able to continue with a healthy and satisfying sex life. Keep in mind that some of them are a quite expensive though. There are also some side effects associated with each of them to be ready for. You may have to experiment with a variety of different types of prescription medications before you find the one that helps you get to the level of sexual activity you want in your life.

Prescription medications aren’t the answer for everyone though. There many be too many health issues for you to consider using them. You may also find that the various side effects also make it difficult for you to enjoy sex. Never use prescription medications for someone else because you are too embarrassed to talk to your doctor about it.

You do owe it to yourself though to see if there is medication that can significantly improve your sex life into your 60’s and beyond. There are plenty of people out there in this age group and beyond that find sex more enjoyable now than any other time in their life. Being able to continue engaging in the activity helps to keep them both healthy and happy.

Erectile dysfunction can definitely hurt a man’s physical and mental ability to enjoy sex. Even if he is turned on by a woman and wants to complete the act, the body simply isn’t going to comply. This is an event that just about every single man out there will experience at least once in their life, especially as they get older. It isn’t a big deal unless it is happening on a regular basis.

The key to getting past it though is to realize that you aren’t alone. Too many men hide their issue with erectile dysfunction from everyone. They are too embarrassed to tell their partner so they may look for reasons to avoid sexual activity. They can pick fights, become distant, and even make the partner feel bad about their appearance to cast blame in another direction.

For those not in a serious relationship, erectile dysfunction can prevent it from occurring. They know that eventually a new relationship will get to the point where sex should be taking place They don’t want any women to find out they can’t perform so they withdraw from women in a social setting all together.

It is important for men to realize that there are many common causes for erectile dysfunction. Therefore there is no reason to feel inadequate about the process taking place. It is going to be a natural part of getting older for many men. A doctor can often help to identify what the cause of the problem is though and help a man get his sex life back.

Vascular disease accounts for more than half of all the erectile dysfunction cases in males over the age of 60. This has to do with the arteries to the penis getting blocked and so not enough blood can get to it for a full erection. This is a condition that can often be treated though.

Smoking is a common issue that can lead to it as well. Males who smoke more than a pack of cigarettes per day are at the highest risk. Stopping to smoke can make a huge difference for the individual in just a month or two.

There are a variety of medical problems that can lead to erectile dysfunction for men. The biggest one though is diabetes. The nerved and blood vessels to the penis may be damaged and so there isn’t enough blood that is allowed to flow into it for an erection to take place.

When we hear about hormone problems and sexual behavior for those over 60, it is mostly associated with women. Yet approximately 5% of all males suffer from some type of hormone problem. That is what is responsible for their problems with getting an erection. They may have a problem with their kidneys or liver due to hereditary illnesses or excessive alcohol use.

Some men fail to product enough testosterone as they get older so they need a supplement to help with their sex drive. There are also times when traumatic experiences can affect the normal ability to get an erection. It could be due to an injury that harms the spine or even due to the onset of various diseases that affect the central nervous system.

Doctors have to be careful about prescribing medications for various ailments as well. All prescription drugs have side effects and hundreds of them have impotency as one of them. Since many of these drugs have to be taken on a daily basis it is a huge concern. These various medications may be to treat heart disease, diabetes, depression, or anxiety. It is important for a doctor to try to find a good medication that works but doesn’t affect the ability to obtain and maintain a natural erection.

With all the technology available today, that is no reason for a man over 60 to suffer from no sex life. There are simply too many ways in which they can be helped. However, this help can’t be offered unless they are open and willing to discuss their sexual problems with professionals.

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