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In five minutes you can have any of these proven secrets working for you even if you're shy or embarrassed and even if you've tried everything but failed miserably…

So if you're ready to add more fire to the bedroom, then keep reading – it may be the most important letter you've ever read…

– Michael Webb

Dear Friend,

You're here because you want to make your sex life exciting. You want to make it hot. Passionate. Mind-blowing. You probably want to find ways to please your mate.

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In fact, there's more hot sex tips here than ANY OTHER PLACE!

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You'll learn…


  • The biggest lovemaking mistakes
  • How to invigorate each other to make love
  • Ways to help cure premature ejaculation
  • Dozen of oral sex tips
  • Fun sex games
  • How to make your erections harder
  • The best positions to make love
  • Unique places to make love
  • Secrets to give each other more pleasure
  • How to make sex more intmate and meaningful
  • Ways to incorporate food into lovemaking
  • The complete guide to safe sex
  • And much more…

Monday, August 11, 2008

5 Ways to Scare Your Ex Off for Good!

By: Scarlett Webb

The worst thing in the world has happened. You''ve been dumped.
Maybe you had a fight and you've tried everything to fix it, but
it's not working. What can you do?

Well first of all, take heart. There are ways to get your ex
back. But there are also things that most people do which are
sure to drive your ex away for good!

Here's five of the biggest mistakes that people make in this
situation and these are things you should never do.

1. Do something spiteful. It's tempting to try to get back at
the person who hurt us. My daughter's boyfriend bought her an
engagement ring and when she said she wasn't ready yet to get
married, he immediately took it back to the store and made sure
he told her. She was so hurt that he made such a snap decision,
that she became even more resistant to giving him another chance.

2. Sit around the house and wait for that call. How can that
possibly help? It's so important to keep busy and that doesn't
mean constantly talking to your friends about the breakup or
watching TV all day. It means find engrossing things to make use
of your time. Read a book that you can't put down, go out with
friends, join a club, take up a new hobby, or my favorite, go on
a trip. Nothing will perk up your spirits faster than a new
environment, even if it's a weekend away.

3. Write a long, morose letter to him. It doesn't matter if
you're apologizing, trying to show your ex why it's such a
mistake to leave you, trying to make him feel guilty for hurting
you or whatever. This will only evoke negative feelings about
you. Guilt drives a person away more quickly than anything else.
No one has ever rescued a relationship by making the other
person feel guilty. You're better off giving the person a little
time and space and let them come to the conclusion on their own
that they miss you and want you back.

4. Be mean if he calls. Don't place blame, or make him feel
guilty for hurting you, You want your ex to be glad to hear your
voice. Keep it light, friendly and breezy. It's okay to let your
ex know you've been busy, but try to stay away from the jealousy
game. "Oh, did I tell you, I just met the most fantastic guy!"
This never works. Just keep a casual attitude. You can be a
little flirty and cute, and it's okay to let give the impression
that you're glad he called. Make sure the conversation ends on a
positive note..."It was great to hear from you. Sorry I have to
go, but I was just on my way out." This shows your ex that
you're keeping busy but you're still happy to hear his voice.

5. Patronize his favorite hangouts hoping to run into him. This
is a pathetic ploy and an obvious one. He'll see right through
you and it won't bring him back. He'll just think you're a
desperate stalker. You want him to miss you and think of the
good times you had together! You should also avoid calling him,
texting him, sending him emails, or any other of these ploys.
Don't be a stalker. Your ex will start to think of you as
desperate and this will drive him away further.

So these are the biggest things to avoid doing. What should you
do to instead?

Go out and meet people. When the word gets out that you're out
and about, it will make you seem more attractive. Take care of
yourself. Get some new clothes, a new makeover or whatever will
make you feel better about yourself. Don't ever leave the house
without looking your best. You never know when you'll bump into
him or into someone new!

Let him come to you. And when he does, don't make it difficult
for him. It's easy to start the argument all over again by
placing blame. On the other hand, don't make it too easy either.
You want to make him realize that you are a prize that he has
lost. So just leave the door open, be friendly and pleasant and
see what happens!

There are no impossible situations, but it's easy to do the
wrong thing and lose your ex forever. For some surefire ways to
get your ex back, visit: http://fix-any-relationship.com

About the author:
There are no impossible situations, but it's easy to do the
wrong thing and lose your ex forever. For some surefire ways to
get your ex back, visit: http://fix-any-relationship.com

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